C. Zhang and Woodland, P. C., “
A General Artificial Neural Network Extension for HTK”, in
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X. Chen, Liu, X., Gales, M., and Woodland, P., “
Improving the training and evaluation efficiency of recurrent neural network language models”, in
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Y. Qian, Yin, M., You, Y., and Yu, K., “
Multi-task joint-learning of deep neural networks for robust speech recognition”, in
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C. Zhang and Woodland, P. C., “
Parameterised Sigmoid and ReLU Hidden Activation Functions for DNN Acoustic Modelling”, in
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X. Liu, Chen, X., Gales, M., and Woodland, P., “
Paraphrastic Recurrent Neural Network Language Models”, in
Proc. ICASSP, Brisbane, Australia, 2015.
X. Chen, Liu, X., Gales, M., and Woodland, P., “
Recurrent neural network language model training with noise contrastive estimation for speech recognition”, in
Proc. ICASSP, Brisbane, Australia, 2015.
P. Swietojanski, Bell, P., and Renals, S., “
Structured Output Layer with Auxiliary Targets for Context-Dependent Acoustic Modelling”, in
Proc. Interspeech, Dresden, Germany, 2015.